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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Photo:First clitoral repair hospital opens in Burkina Faso


Women who’ve suffered clitoral mutilation – a dehumanizing practice prevalent in Africa – can now rejoice as the first centre in the world dubbed the “Pleasure Hospital” where the organ can be restored opens in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso on 7 March 2014.
According to a statement released Tuesday by U.S.-based, nonprofit organization Clitoraid, the hospital which will restore the dignity and pleasure of victims of female genital mutilation (FGM),the hospital was built with donated funds and through the efforts of worldwide volunteers and it already has a long waiting list.

First Lady of Burkina Faso, Chantal Compaore described as a “steadfast voice against the horrors of FGM”  will preside at the opening ceremony, Clitoraid‘s Communications Director Nadine Gary says.
Gary said hundreds of women are already on Clitoraid’s waiting list to have the surgery, which will be free for any woman who wants it.
“Their wait is almost over,” Gary said. She said the new facility, called “the Kamkaso,” which means the “house for women,” has been nicknamed “the Pleasure Hospital,” since the surgery “will restore their dignity of women as well as their ability to experience physical pleasure, which was taken from them against their will.”
According to Gary, the idea of the hospital came about “After spiritual leader Maitreya Rael heard about a clitoral repair procedure developed by Dr. Pierre Foldes in France, he launched Clitoraid and the idea of building clinics that offer free surgery for FGM victims. After the United Nations adopted a resolution banning FGM, there’s been universal agreement that it’s a violation of human rights and the integrity of individuals. And eliminating FGM is essential for women’s health, so governments must keep passing laws against it. But Rael realized that it’s also important to repair the damage already caused to living victims. This hospital is the result of his vision.”
Gary said Clitoraid volunteer surgeons from the United States, Dr. Marci Bowers, M.D., and Dr. Harold Henning Jr., M.D., will perform surgeries at the new hospital and also train other surgeons to do it.
“The goal is to help as many victims as possible have this surgery, which will also help discourage the barbaric practice of FGM,” Gary said. “When its effects can be surgically reversed for free, what would be the point?”

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