
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lost: 26-Year-old Nigerian Woman killed In Indiana By Her Neighbour

The Columbus Police has arrested one Mr. "Ryan Allen Klug" Aged 35yrs, as a prime suspect for killing a  Nigeria girl in Columbus, Indian. The 26-years old Victim "Adaobi Mechealla Obil" who was found dead in her appertment in Columbus, Indian. on Tuesday was taken way by the police.
The police were alarted to Obih's death after she has missed work on Monday and Tuesday without notifying anyone, her coworkers contacted her apartment complex to as after her but no one cold give details about her. The police also contacted the property management to request her welfare check but her
naighbour told the police that he notice that the door to Obil garage spot was open and had been open for almost 24 hours. Klug, who the police  describe as Obil roommate parked his vehicle there and her has been arresed as the prime suspect.


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